Happy Holidays everyone!
It's been pretty crazy around here. One of my dogs, Dexter (he's the guy in my profile pic), managed to poison himself with a whole bottle of aspirin. There was also the stress of being unemployed, and no immediate means to take on this debt.
I asked my friends on facebook for help with an emergency vet who would work a payment plan with me. I was led to someplace
(biting my tongue) that asked how much I could pay today? I had $30 on me, and they said the only thing they could do for $30 was PUT HIM DOWN. Needless to say that was an unacceptable answer, and reached out on fb again. I was led to
Metro Paws and my friends called ahead, so not only were they expecting me, they knew I had no money. That put all the focus back on Dexter! His prognosis was poor. Dr. Robson did not have high hopes and honestly he couldn't stand up, and it was freaking me out! I had to leave him overnight and hope for him to show some sign of progress in the morning. Back to facebook, where I asked my friends to think good thoughts for him; to pray, chant, light candles, do whatever they do for some universal healing. I had many comments and responses. I also noticed that my friends were reposting, offering to loan me money, give me some work (I freelance) and front me the cash. I even saw that a friend was selling his fridge to help raise money. It made me feel so loved and supported, I wanted to channel all that positive energy to Dexter. The vet called me late in the night with some encouraging words, but also reminded me that we were not out of the woods. Updated my friends, asked again to keep up the good thoughts, it was working, and I would see him in the morning. The morning phone call brought
good news!

He was standing up, and wagging his little nub!!! I don't think I can accurately describe how great I felt at that moment.
I went to the vet, where they made me comfortable, and invited me to stay as long as I wanted. They gave me a stool to sit at by his cage, and I held him and petted him for about 45 minutes.
I had spent the previous night doing Dexter related artwork, and printed a thank you piece for the clinic. When I left, it was hopeful that I could come back and get him at the end of the day. Making my payment arrangements, I found that someone had come to the vet the day before and paid $20 towards my bill! I thanked the anonymous donor on facebook, also giving everyone the good news.
Then came an overwhelming rally of unexpected support. People started posting links to my artwork and jewelry, telling my story of the help I needed. I started selling a few items. I had an offer to sell my prints at the
coolest store in town! That afternoon, I was able to pick him up, and when I got there, my bill had been reduced considerably!!
Much like the Kmart layaway angels, I had my very own group of layaway angels!!!
I'm still riding on a cloud of relief and joy.
9x12 block prints |
This week I will have new block prints of Dexter and some Thank You cards I have printed for sale here:
Of course, all proceeds will benefit his ongoing treatment. (There is still a possibility of liver and kidney damage).
I'm still printing, and after it's dry, I'll start listing. Dallas folks, they will be available locally at
Dolly Python. (Thanks Gretchen!)
I'm incredibly thankful for the support of friends, near and far. If you have a need for thanking anyone, please consider one of my hand printed cards. Dexter and I will be eternally grateful!
Thank You cards. In white and ivory. |
This week has been a true testament to the power of friendship. It has brought me to tears MANY times over the last few days.
Inside message and back or envelope |
To those who helped (I know who most of you are!), you have my UNDYING FRIENDSHIP AND LOYALTY!!
I also have HUGE THANKS to Dr. Robson and all of the Metro Paws staff!!
Stay tuned, I love you all!............Karen
Dexter and Dulli wish you Happy Holidays! |
I would also like to add, there has been interest in how I print my suminagashi papers. Soon as this project is complete, I'll make more WITH A TUTORIAL!!!